Become Inclusion Certified™
Small businesses may not have the resources to provide disability inclusion training to their employees, yet individuals with disabilities represent the largest population of diversity. Participate in our FREE Proof of Concept to earn a “Seal of Inclusion” for your business.
Inclusion training should be available to every business to demonstrate their willingness and ability to help ANY customer belong.
It costs more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. Providing small, local businesses with standardized training attracts and retains more satisfied customers, as employers and employees learn to:
Respect differences
Not make assumptions
Remove barriers
Create more positive experiences
This is all good for business. We are currently conducting a proof of concept for local business in Dedham Square to earn their seal of inclusion. If you are interested in participating, please complete the form below.
Investing in your employees benefits all stakeholders:
How the Training Works
Provide a list of all employee email addresses
We will email them a link to our training portal
Each employee accesses the link and completes a short (60 minutes) online training
When all employees complete the training, the business earns a "seal of inclusion" to display on their storefront